Create high-quality content that is relevant to your target audience

Google Discover is all about showing users content that they are likely to be interested in. So make sure your Web Stories are well-written, informative, and visually appealing.

Use eye-catching images and videos.

Visual content is a great way to grab attention and keep users engaged. So be sure to use high-quality images and videos in your Web Stories.

Keep your stories short and to the point.

Google Discover users are typically looking for quick and easy-to-consume content. So keep your stories to a maximum of 10 slides.

Use clear and concise headlines.

Your headlines are the first thing users will see, so make sure they are clear and concise and accurately reflect the content of your story.

When you use relevant keywords, Google is more likely to show your story to users who are searching for those terms.

Use relevant keywords throughout your story.

The more people who see your Web Stories, the more likely they are to appear in Google Discover. So be sure to promote them on social media and other channels where your target audience is active.

Promote your Web Stories on social media and other channels

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