🚀 Chandrayaan-3 Launched!

On July 14, 2023, India launched Chandrayaan-3, a significant step in space exploration.

🌍 Current Orbit

As of now, Chandrayaan-3 is orbiting Earth at 51400 km x 228 km. It's getting closer to the Moon.

🛰️ Orbit-Raising Manoeuvres

The spacecraft has performed 4 successful orbit-raising manoeuvres. Exciting progress!

📅 Next Manoeuvre

Mark your calendars! The next orbit-raising manoeuvre is scheduled for July 30, 2023.

After the final manoeuvre, Chandrayaan-3 will enter a lunar transfer orbit, propelling it towards the Moon.

🌚 Lunar Transfer Orbit

The much-awaited lunar landing is set for September 6, 2023. Brace yourselves for history in the making!

🌑 Destination: The Moon

Discovering the Moon's mysteries - Chandrayaan-3 will embark on groundbreaking research.

🏞️ Unraveling the Moon

Chandrayaan-3 aims to study lunar topography, mineralogy, and discover water molecules on the Moon.

🌌 Scientific Goals

Equipped with cutting-edge technology, the rover will gather crucial data during its exploration.

🤖 Advanced Rover

As Chandrayaan-3 lands on the Moon, India takes a giant leap in space exploration.

🌠 Proud Moment

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